Your Nidra Nest at home!
Setting up your Nidra Nest
Not sure how to lay your body down for your “OnliNidra” practice with me? No worries my friend- I’ve got you. Get in your warm comfies, grab all your props and cozies and watch this short and sweet instructional video on to familiarize yourself with whatever you may need before laying your body down on your mat, couch or bed. Pillows, blankets, bolsters, rolled towels, eye coverings and more- all wonderful additions to make sure your body is fully supported, warm and comfortable before your “deep dive” within.
“I just wanted you to really know how important it is to experience all the different teachings you offer in your sessions. I look forward with excitement to each part of it! You are much appreciated Dawn, and last night I slept so much better than I have in a long time and woke up feeling full of joy. I guess I am truly blessed. And you are part of that.“
Yoga Membership
Unlimited online classes available always. With 3 new experiences each week. A beautiful blend of Yoga Nidra and Sound Healing: A transformative, healing journey back home- to you.